Bikalpa an Alternative has been proactive on identifying and addressing the challenges within the Koshi Province’s Tourism Industry. It has been paving the way for constructive engagement of concerned stakeholders through dialogue and discussion. Of

According to the latest Index of Economic Freedom, which has just been published, Nepal ranks a lowly 130th out of 176 countries. The Heritage Foundation has been analyzing the development of economic freedom around the

Koshi province, Nepal can emerge as a viable tourism attraction. The study conducted by the Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) in 2020 indicates that the province has the potential to emerge as the second-largest alternative source

For millennia, China suffered famine after famine. As recently as 1981, as many as 88 per cent of the Chinese population was living in extreme poverty; today it is less than 1 per cent. Never

On 16 February 2024, Bikalpa, an Alternative in collaboration with Accountability Lab Nepal, conducted a Summit for Democracy conclave program themed on “Role of Youth in the Policy-making Process of Local and State Governments.” at

Argentina and Venezuela are warning examples for countries that are still rich today In my new book I show “How Nations Escape Poverty” But in this book I also have some comments on how

Bikalpa, an Alternative with the support of CIPE International, conducted a Three-day residential camp for Aspiring Entrepreneurs from 2-4 February 2024, at Aqua Birds Resort Koshi Tappu. The training provided a unique opportunity to gain

“A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.”— Lao Tzu. Bikalpa has been organizing regular hiking trips to nearby locations since 2016, which has now become an event for reconnection

Bikalpa an Alternative organized stakeholder’s dialogue on “Tourism potentialities and challenges of Koshi province”. Stakeholders’ dialogue is a program that assembles corresponding stakeholders including policymakers, intellectuals, social activists, entrepreneurs, and civil society members to gather

As motorbikes are a necessary means of transport in Nepal, the government sees them as a luxury item and imposes a high tax of around 117% on imports. The motorbike that cost around 800 US
