On this series, discussion was made on the Article of “Private Property”, where 10 numbers of part to discuss their views. The program is organized to engage core members and new comers who are interested on the issue and ideas of liberty, public policy and political economy. It was hot and live discussion where participants discussed on “Private property”.

It was an hourly discussion was the participants from diverse sector articulated their opinion about the topic. As we know Private property is asset of any individual. Property ownership means that you are able to hold and control something and –crucially – that you are entitled to exclude others from it. You can enjoy it, rent it out, sell it, give it away or even destroy it, but other people cannot use it or take it from you without your permission. During the discussion one of the Participant State that In context of Nepal at first we should know about our property and property right. It is individual state of mind. He also articulated about the responsibility of the individual. The discussion also got revolves around the private property violation in Biratangar. It’s not only the citizen but there is also responsibility of government to secure the rights of the citizen. Overall the discussion was discussed from different perspectives.

The program was held on19th February 2016/7 Falgun, from 4:00 pm onward. Discussion was helpful to know about some basic knowledge about Private Property. Discussion Program was ended in 5:40pm

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