Youth in Policy & Entrepreneurship (YPE) 2024/25 Biratnagar, Camp – I

Overview of the Program

Bikalpa an Alternative, in collaboration with Atlas Network, organized the first residential “Youths in Policy and Entrepreneurship (YPE)” fellowship program from June 7th to 10th, 2024, at Hotel Shree Krishna Biratnagar. The program aimed to educate and engage young individuals aged 20 to 30 who are passionate about public policy, governance, entrepreneurship, and the policy-making process in the Koshi province.

Esteemed experts led sessions through engaging lectures, interactive learning methods, networking, group work, video discussions, and panel discussions designed to allow participants to explore and share ideas. The four-day camp brought together 45 diverse and dynamic youth groups from various sectors.

The application for the program was open to all college students and young professionals through Bikalpa’s website. After screening the 150 online applications based on their answers, 85 participants were selected for one-on-one interviews. From that, 45 participants were chosen for the first round of the training program.

Over the 4 days, the program comprised the following topics.

  • Self Help Development
  • Introduction to Public Policy: Policy Making Process (Examples & Case Studies)
  • Group Work on “What is Entrepreneurship ” followed by a feedback session
  • Story Sharing of an Entrepreneur
  • Good Governance Democracy, Politics & Practice
  • Possibilities of Koshi Province (Sectorial Panel Discussion with diverse Experts)
  • Political History of Nepal
  • Government Structure of Nepal: Interrelation of Federal, Provincial and Local Government
  • Let’s hear from policymakers ( Panel Discussion with Koshi province MP)
  • Provincial Law Making: How the law is formulated in Koshi Province
  • Capacity Development Leadership and Teamwork

Summary of the Session

Day 1

The event was moderated by Ms. Shristika Neupane, a Research Officer at Bikalpa.  Hon. Ambar Bahadur Bista, the Speaker of the State Assembly for Province No. 1, inaugurated the program as the program’s chief guest. Other guests included Hon. Gita Timilshina (Communist Party of Nepal, Maoist Center), Hon. Jayprakash Chaudhary (Communist Party of Nepal, Unified Marxist-Leninist), and Dr. Bhesh Prasad Dhamala, Chairman of Bikalpa an Alternative. Basanta Adhikari, the founder and director of Bikalpa an Alternative, delivered a speech on behalf of the event’s organizers, welcoming all the attendees and sharing the concept behind the program.

Following that, Hon. Jay Prakash Chaudhary praised the participants and emphasized the need for active citizens to promote good governance in society.

Another guest, Hon. Gita Timlishna, commended the organizing committee for their intention to promote youth-led initiatives for the economic, social, and political development of Province No. 1. She also shared her own experience as a young political activist and encouraged the participants to build their self-confidence and knowledge through such programs.

Chief Guest Hon. Amber Bahadur Bista, the Speaker of the State Assembly for Province No. 1, praised the program as excellent and expressed concerns related to the work of the provincial Assembly. He also encouraged the participants to remain and work for the nation instead of going abroad.

The three-day camp’s training session began immediately after the inauguration session.

Session : Self Help Development , Basanta Adhikari 

During the first session .Mr. Basanta Adhikari served as the keynote speaker and led a comprehensive session on Self-Help Development. His presentation covered essential topics for both personal and professional growth, including Time Management, Enthusiasm, Focus and Discipline, Attitude, Goal Setting, Habits, and Dealing with People. Each segment was enriched with motivational stories, quotes, and practical advice, empowering participants to take actionable steps toward self-improvement.  Mr. Adhikari used the metaphor “To realize the value of one year” to highlight the importance of time and effective time management for achieving success. The session emphasized the crucial role of interpersonal skills, featuring quotes from various influential personalities to underline their significance in attaining success.

Overall, the session offered a comprehensive guide to self-help development, equipping participants with the knowledge and inspiration needed to manage time effectively, cultivate enthusiasm, maintain discipline, foster a positive attitude, set clear goals, build constructive habits, and interact effectively with others. Each topic was reinforced with relevant stories and quotes to ensure that the lessons were memorable and impactful.

Session : Introduction to Public Policy: Policy Making Process , Deependra Chaulagain

Mr. Deependra Chaulagain delivered an insightful session on the fundamentals of public policy, emphasizing its definition, importance, and implications for societal well-being. He defined public policy as decisions made by government bodies to guide the nation within established principles, aimed at enhancing overall public welfare. These policies encompass responses to pressing issues such as environmental concerns and global warming, reflecting their broad impact on society.

The session stressed the Principle of Subsidiarity, highlighting the roles of civil society organizations, the state, and market forces as key actors in shaping public policy. Mr. Chaulagain emphasized the significance of government expenditures, particularly in allowances, illustrating the economic principle that resources are not limitless and every policy decision entails costs and consequences.

Furthermore, the discussion touched upon the dual nature of policies, where even well-intentioned initiatives can yield unintended negative outcomes. The legalization of marijuana was explored as a pertinent example, demonstrating the complexity of policy decisions and their societal ramifications. Addressing the dynamics of policy-making, the session delved into the role of interest groups, advocating for policies that promote innovation and competition within the private sector. The concept of an entrepreneurial revolution was also explored, suggesting a proactive stance towards economic development through policy interventions.

In summary, the session provided a comprehensive overview of public policy, stressing its formulation, implementation, and evaluation processes. It highlighted the pivotal role of civil society in ensuring policy effectiveness and equity, underscoring the need for informed and inclusive policymaking. Participants were encouraged to critically assess the impacts of public policies and advocate for measures that foster sustainable development and societal well-being.

After that, Mr. Basanta Adhikari ended the session by dividing the participants into four groups and assigning each group with a presentation on the five core questions on Entrepreneurship, i.e., What is entrepreneurship? Why is entrepreneurship important to society? Why should I be an entrepreneur? How are entrepreneurs perceived in our society?, What are the conditions that promote entrepreneurship? What are the challenges of entrepreneurship? and were asked to present their findings related to their topic the following next day.


Group Presentation:

The second day began with a review of the first day’s activities, incorporating participant feedback on all the sessions. Each group then had a five-minute slot to present their assignments. Notably, one group employed drama techniques to depict societal perceptions of entrepreneurship. Following the presentations, Mr. Basanta Adhikari provided constructive feedback on the group work. He discussed the challenges of doing business in Nepal, referencing the doing business index and drawing comparisons with international examples. A popular vote determined the best group, which was rewarded accordingly. Mr. Adhikari also offered brief feedback on the presentations and delved deeper into the concept of an entrepreneur, their role in Nepali society, and their evolution over time. The session further explored the distinctions between an entrepreneur and a businessman, the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic development, and how entrepreneurs create societal value. The day concluded with a discussion on policies needed to promote entrepreneurship.

Session: Story Sharing of an Entrepreneur, Mr Bhim Ghimire 

Mr. Bhim Ghimire as the esteemed guest speaker. Mr. Ghimire, chairman and managing director of AB Group of Industries and Trading House, and president of Nepal Udhyog Parisangh Province no.1, captivated the audience with his inspiring entrepreneurial journey. Mr. Ghimire commenced by recounting his humble beginnings in Mahendranagar Rural Municipality, Sunsari District. Growing up amidst challenges, he balanced farming duties with his studies. He shared nostalgic anecdotes, including his formative experience as a laborer for the CWE Chinese Company, where he later became a Chinese language interpreter. His decision post-SLC to simultaneously pursue further studies while managing office responsibilities highlighted his resilience. The narrative continued with Mr. Ghimire’s progression from Mahendra Morang College, where he completed his I. Com degree while actively involved in professional roles. His dedication bore fruit when he took over Toyota’s former showroom and ventured into other successful business initiatives. A brief stint in America was followed by his return to Nepal, driven by a renewed determination to contribute to the nation’s entrepreneurial landscape.

Throughout the session, Mr. Ghimire underscored the vital role of government support for entrepreneurs, advocating for accessible land and fair interest rates. He also emphasized the need for rigorous oversight of financial institutions to safeguard entrepreneurs from exploitative practices. Mr. Ghimire’s unwavering dedication and perseverance have garnered him immense respect in both business and social circles. His journey serves as a beacon of inspiration, illustrating how steadfast commitment and strategic vision can propel individuals to success despite adversities.

The session concluded with a vibrant Q&A session, where participants gleaned insights and practical advice from Mr. Ghimire’s wealth of experience. The event not only celebrated entrepreneurship but also fostered a spirit of innovation and resilience among aspiring entrepreneurs in the community.

Session : Good Governance Democracy, Politics & Practice ( Dr Dipesh Ghimire)

Dr. Mr. Dipesh Ghimire, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Tribhuvan University, delivered a comprehensive session on the topics of good governance, democratic rights, and civil rights. The session aimed to elucidate the foundational principles and practical implications of these concepts within the context of Nepal’s governance framework and broader societal aspirations.

Dr. Ghimire commenced by defining good governance as a system that prioritizes the welfare of all citizens. He emphasized that in such a system, women, Dalits, indigenous people, and other marginalized groups should have unfettered access to governmental resources. During his discourse, he illustrated upon the fundamental principles of good governance: transparency, responsiveness, accountability, consensus orientation, participatory decision-making, equity, inclusiveness, effectiveness, efficiency, and adherence to the rule of law.

Dr. Ghimire underscored that good governance revolves around making state machinery people-oriented, ensuring efficient and prompt delivery of services aligned with citizens’ expectations. He emphasized that Nepal’s constitution upholds the principles of sustainable peace, prosperity, and good governance as fundamental pillars of its governance ethos. Moving on to civil and democratic rights, Dr. Ghimire highlighted their pivotal role in fostering an open and democratic society. Civil rights empower individuals and social organizations to freely organize, participate, and influence societal structures without hindrance. He emphasized that the state’s duty is to facilitate peaceful assemblies, protect fundamental rights, and foster an environment where citizens can express themselves autonomously.

Dr. Ghimire asserted that citizenship rights are integral to creating a civil society where every individual can participate and communicate freely, influencing both political and social structures. He urged participants to advocate for these rights and contribute meaningfully to policy-making processes, thereby reinforcing Nepal’s journey towards inclusive governance and societal progress.

The session concluded with an interactive discussion, where participants reflected on the application of these principles in their own contexts and explored avenues for collective action to strengthen democratic institutions and protect civil liberties. Overall, Dr. Ghimire’s session provided a robust framework for understanding and advancing the principles of good governance and civil rights essential for a vibrant and inclusive society.

Session : Possibilities of Koshi Province (Sectorial Panel Discussion with Entrepreneurs)

The panel discussion on the potential of Koshi Province brought together various stakeholders to explore opportunities and challenges in fostering a startup culture in the region. Ms. Shristika Neuapne  hosted the panel discussion discussion.

Dr. Saroj Koirala

Dr. Saroj Koirala set the stage for an engaging and insightful dialogue by highlighting the untapped potential of Koshi Province. He emphasized that the province’s diverse geography, ranging from mountains to the Terai plains, provides a fertile ground for agricultural diversity. Dr. Koirala elaborated that Koshi Province has the capability to cultivate a variety of crops, including medicinal herbs, fruits, tea, and cardamom, alongside traditional staples.

Furthermore, Dr. Koirala pointed out the strategic importance of Koshi Province, which boasts the shortest highway connecting India and China. This geographical advantage opens up significant trade opportunities, enhancing the province’s economic prospects. He also mentioned the potential of the SunKoshi River to be harnessed for the transportation of goods, which could further bolster trade. Additionally, the mining prospects within the province present another avenue for economic development.

He also brought attention to the Morang-Sunsari corridor, recognized as Nepal’s largest industrial corridor. He noted that Biratnagar, the first city in the province to attract foreign investment, reflects the inherent potential of Koshi Province. However, he acknowledged the recent challenges that have impeded investment, such as the pandemic and political instability. The reliance on foreign raw materials has also been a significant setback for local industries.

Despite these challenges, Dr. Koirala highlighted the progress being made in various sectors. He noted advancements in alcohol branding, clinker production, and hydrogen energy, indicating that Koshi Province is taking steps to diversify and strengthen its industrial base. However, he stressed the need for a concerted effort to sustain and attract more investment to fully realize the province’s potential.

Chudamani Bhattarai

During the discussion, Mr. Bhattarai highlighted the significance of fostering a startup culture by reshaping mindsets, recognizing innovation’s value, and strategically leveraging market research. He emphasized the need to identify market opportunities and adopt competitive strategies and e-commerce to address market and management challenges. A challenge for startups in Koshi Province, noted by Mr. Bhattarai, is the heavy taxation imposed on them, which is particularly burdensome for green startups like Himalayan Life Plastic. These startups are instrumental in tackling environmental issues with their recycling initiatives but are taxed at the same rate as larger commercial enterprises, which can stifle their growth and sustainability.

Furthermore, Mr. Bhattarai discussed recent reforms in land, labor, and capital, and their potential impact on Nepal’s economic growth and development. These reforms are intended to create a more conducive environment for business operations, though startups continue to navigate through various systemic hurdles. Realizing this potential hinges on a collective effort to transform cultural attitudes towards entrepreneurship, implement supportive policies, and alleviate the challenges faced by startups. Addressing these issues could set Koshi Province on a path to economic prosperity and cultivate a thriving startup ecosystem.

The conversation brought to light the potential of Koshi Province as a center for innovative and sustainable businesses. Realizing this potential hinge on a collective effort to transform cultural attitudes towards entrepreneurship, implement supportive policies, and alleviate the challenges faced by startups. Addressing these issues could set Koshi Province on a path to economic prosperity and cultivate a thriving startup ecosystem.

Bishnu Prasad Kafle

During a panel discussion, Mr. Bishnu Kafle brought attention to the urgent issues and potential opportunities within the agricultural sector in light of globalization and workforce dynamics. He highlighted the current dual challenge facing the sector: the migration of youth to foreign countries and the pressures of globalization. Mr. Kafle emphasized the significant impact of this talent drain on the local agricultural sector and the competition introduced by globalization. To address these challenges, Mr. Kafle proposed a shift from traditional agricultural practices to more modern, technologically advanced methods, emphasizing the need for innovative entrepreneurship to drive this transformation.

In addition, Mr. Kafle stressed the importance of viewing business development services (BDS) from a multi-faceted perspective, beyond confining it to a single business sector. He underlined the significance of comprehensive research in identifying gaps for business development, emphasizing the need to leverage e-commerce platforms and foster competitive strategies through various projects.

In conclusion, Mr. Kafle’s insights shed light on the need for a paradigm shift in agriculture, driven by innovative entrepreneurship and comprehensive business development services, to navigate and capitalize on the challenges posed by globalization and workforce migration.


Session : Political History of Nepal (Krishna Pokhrel)

Mr. Krishna Pokhrel delivered an insightful session on the political history of Nepal. The session covered significant milestones from the unification era to the establishment of modern political parties and the adoption of Nepal’s new Constitution. The session provided a comprehensive understanding of Nepal’s political evolution and its implications for contemporary governance. The session began with an examination of the unification of Nepal under Prithvi Narayan Shah in 1768, a pivotal event that established Kathmandu as the capital. The facilitator emphasized how Shah’s rule was grounded in principles derived from Hindu scriptures and marked by centralized monarchy. Following Prithvi Narayan Shah’s reign, participants explored the era of Rana autocracy, which began after the Treaty of Sugauli in 1815. This century-long period saw the Rana regime consolidate power through suppression and exploitation, leading to significant socio-political consequences.

The discussion then shifted to the emergence of political parties in Nepal, starting with movements against the Rana rule such as the Praja Parishad. After the overthrow of Rana rule in 2007 BS (1950 AD) following the revolution and Delhi Settlement, there was the emergence of major political parties like the Nepali Congress, CPN(UML), and CPN(Maoist). These parties were highlighted for their roles in advocating various ideologies from democratic socialism to Maoism.

Participants examined Nepal’s transition to multiparty democracy in 2007, marked by parliamentary elections in 2015. The facilitator discussed subsequent political upheavals, including a royal coup in 2017 and the restoration of democracy, culminating in the adoption of Nepal’s new Constitution embracing federalism, secularism, and inclusive governance. Participants appreciated the in-depth historical context provided and are eager to further explore Nepal’s political evolution in upcoming sessions. They recognized the importance of understanding Nepal’s political history in addressing current governance challenges and shaping future policy initiatives.

The session concluded with a reflection on Nepal’s ongoing political challenges, including governance issues related to federalism and inclusiveness. Participants engaged in a lively discussion on the future role of political parties in Nepal’s democratic evolution amidst global and regional dynamics. It provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of Nepal’s political journey, from monarchy to democracy, highlighting the pivotal roles played by historical figures, political movements, and ideological shifts. Attendees were encouraged to critically analyze Nepal’s constitutional framework and its implications for the country’s socio-political future.

Session : Government Structure of Nepal: Interrelation of Federal, Provincial and Local Government ( Chudamani Acharya ) 

Mr.Chudamani Acharya provided an in-depth exploration of Nepal’s governmental structure, emphasizing the constitutional framework that delineates the roles and responsibilities of each level of governance. The session was initiated with a comprehensive overview of the structure of the government in Nepal is defined by its constitution, which establishes a federal system composed of three distinct levels: federal, provincial, and local. Each level has its own executive, legislative, and judiciary branches, designed to operate both independently and in harmony with each other.

At the federal level, the executive branch is led by the Government of Nepal, which can have up to 25 ministers. The legislative power is vested in the Parliament, which is bicameral, consisting of the House of Representatives and the National Assembly, with a total of 275 members. The judiciary is headed by the Supreme Court, which is unitary and may have up to 21 judges.

The provincial level mirrors the federal structure on a smaller scale, with its own government, high court, and assembly. The executive branch can have ministers up to 10% of the total members of the provincial assembly. Each province has a high court under the Supreme Court, and the legislative power is held by the provincial assembly, which elects two members for each federal constituency.

At the local level, the executive powers are exercised by the rural or municipal executive, while the legislative functions are carried out by the rural or municipal assembly. The judiciary at this level is represented by a judicial committee, which is a three-member body chaired by the deputy chief.

The Resource Person further enriched the session by sharing the constitution outlines specific provisions from articles 74 to 82 regarding the structure, functions, and powers of the executive branches. These articles ensure that Nepal operates as a multi-party competitive democratic system, emphasizing pluralism. The executive powers are executed by the Council of Ministers, which is responsible for the general direction, regulation, and operation of the governance system. The President of Nepal has the authority to appoint the Prime Minister, who is typically the leader of the parliamentary party with a clear majority in the House of Representatives. In the absence of a clear majority, the President may appoint a member supported by two or more parties, or the leader of the largest party, or any member who can secure a majority, provided they obtain a vote of confidence within a stipulated time frame.

He also delves into This structure is designed to maintain a balance of power, promote accountability, and ensure representation across the diverse population of Nepal, while also adhering to the principles of democracy and rule of law. The federal system allows for the decentralization of power, giving provinces and local bodies a significant degree of autonomy to address the specific needs and aspirations of their constituents.

He further clarifies the interrelationship between states, particularly in the context of Nepal, is a complex and multifaceted issue that involves various levels of governance—federal, provincial, and local. The Constitution of Nepal provides a framework for cooperation and coordination among these levels to ensure a harmonious functioning state.

In conclusion the session provided participants with a thorough understanding of Nepal’s governmental structure, highlighting its federal, provincial, and local dimensions. The emphasis on constitutional provisions underscored the importance of democratic principles, accountability, and inter-provincial cooperation in fostering a harmonious governance framework. Participants gained insights into the complexities of Nepal’s governance and its mechanisms for maintaining balance and representation across diverse administrative levels.

Session : Let’s hear from Policy Makers

Hon. Meena Shrestha

Hon. Bhim Parajuli

Hon Sapana Pariyar

The panel discussion session featured distinguished Members of the Provincial Assembly (MPA) from Koshi Province: Hon. Bhim Parajuli (Nepali Congress), Hon. Sapana Pariyar (Maoist Centre), and Hon. Meena Shrestha (UML). The session began with the moderator welcoming the MPs and introducing them to the participants, highlighting their party affiliations and experiences. The session opened with a question about the role and responsibility of MPs in the Koshi Province Assembly, and the key issues and challenges faced by the provincial government in implementing policies.

Hon. Sapana Pariyar highlighted the limitations imposed by rules and regulations on policymaking. She stressed the urgency of addressing unemployment and the need for MPs to focus on policy creation, citizen issues, and infrastructure development.

Hon. Meena Shrestha discussed the backward social and economic status of women due to the patriarchal society. She emphasized the importance of considering women’s vulnerabilities while making policies and the need for federal government support to connect local governments. She advocated for proportional representation in elections due to the high costs involved.

Hon. Bhim Parajuli expressed his belief that politics should not be treated as a business. He highlighted the issue of party affiliation sometimes limiting individual decision-making. He stressed the importance of federal government autonomy and the accountability of ministers. He also pointed out the issue of youth migration due to lack of opportunities and the need to create a favorable environment to retain them in the country.

The floor was opened for participants to interact with the MP, providing an opportunity to ask questions and engage in dialogue about the challenges and opportunities in Nepal’s political landscape. Participants actively discussed issues like political instability, the role of federal and local governments, and the importance of honest and accountable leadership. The insights and suggestions from both the MPAs and participants highlighted the importance of collaborative efforts to address the socio-economic challenges in Koshi Province. The session concluded with a commitment to continue these dialogues and work towards a prosperous and inclusive future for all citizens of Koshi Province.

Session : Provincial Law Making: How law is formulated in Koshi Province ( Dilli Acharya )

The session on Provincial Law Making in Koshi Province provided a comprehensive overview of how legislation is formulated and enacted within the provincial governance framework. It began with a detailed exploration of the concept of a bill, emphasizing its role as a formal proposal for legislation aimed at introducing new laws, amending existing ones, repealing outdated regulations, or modifying current statutes. Bills undergo a structured process from inception to potential enactment as law, ensuring clarity and enforceability through precise legal language.

The origin and drafting process of government bills in Koshi Province follow a systematic approach, as outlined in the Nepal Government’s (Division of Work) Rules and Provincial Government (Division of Work) Rules. It commences with the respective ministry preparing the initial draft, which undergoes rigorous scrutiny and consultation with stakeholders, including individuals, organizations, and experts. This collaborative effort aims to refine the bill’s policy concepts and ensure alignment with societal needs and legal frameworks.

He shared Key stages in the legislative journey of a bill include the approval process by the Ministry of Law and subsequent review and approval by the Council of Ministers. Once endorsed, the bill is registered through the Parliamentary Affairs Ministry at the Parliament and Provincial Assembly Secretariat, marking its readiness for deliberation and enactment. In the context of Nepal’s legislative framework, guided by the Westminster model and enshrined in the Constitution, bills play a pivotal role in addressing diverse governance issues across federal, state, and local levels. The legislative process ensures transparency and accountability, involving multiple readings in Parliament or state assemblies, and culminates in authentication by the President or State Chief, thereby transforming bills into enforceable law.

Overall, the session underscored the significance of bills as instruments for legal change, reflecting evolving societal priorities and governance principles through a structured and inclusive legislative framework. Participants gained insights into the intricate processes and collaborative efforts involved in shaping laws that uphold justice, equality, and the welfare of the populace in Koshi Province.


Session: Video Discussion 

The video discussion session was facilitated by Mr. Suman Rai, in which three short films, namely ” Why Economic Freedom ” ( Related to importance of economic freedom in context of Nepal ) , “i-TSHIRT: The story of a Tshirt” (related to Economic Freedom and invisible hand ), Sadak Chheu ko Byatha ( Compulsion: Story of street vendor related to livelihood issue ), were screened to help participants relate to policy issues. The first one portrays enabling a market environment that creates a million entrepreneurs and the beauty of the market. while the second video explores the first-person narrative about a t-shirt which highlights the tedious process involving in manufacturing a piece of t-shirt, how people coordinate from around the world to bring out the final product, what are the challenges of doing business, what value do entrepreneurs create in common people life and to society, and why we should have a positive attitude towards business and entrepreneurship in Nepal. The third movie highlighted the story of a low-income street vendor family’s livelihood issues. How difficult circumstances forces them to take a risk for survival and also talks about the bureaucratic hassles and bad governance system. After each movie screening, Mr.Rai took some feedback from the participants and clarified the issues related to those movies. The sessions were very interactive and engaging. All the participants participated actively during the sessions.

Session : Capacity Development Leadership and Teamwork ( Dr Sandesh Dass Shrestha )

Dr. Sandesh Das Shrestha delivered an insightful session on Leadership and Team Building, emphasizing the complex nature of leadership, which, while difficult to define, is unmistakable in action. The session revolved around the “Me-First” approach, comprising four key components: Influence, Integrity, Inspiration, and Improvement. These elements serve as the foundation for effective leadership.

Dr. Shrestha introduced the concept of “Me-First,” which comprises four essential components:

Influence: The ability to inspire and guide others towards a common goal.

Integrity: Upholding moral and ethical principles consistently.

Inspiration: Motivating others through vision and passion.

Improvement: Continuously striving for personal and organizational growth.

He underscored the importance of the three Cs of connective leadership:

Community: Building a sense of belonging and shared purpose.

Communication: Emphasizing its pivotal role as the core of leadership.

Collaboration: Encouraging teamwork and synergy among team members.

Dr. Shrestha also highlighted that effective communication is not only about verbal exchanges but also about understanding different perspectives and mental models, essential skills for leadership and life. He also provided valuable insights into the dynamics of leadership. He highlighted that regardless of a leader’s talent, the right team is essential for sustaining and building brand value. The interactive session included practical examples and case studies, which helped illustrate the principles of entrepreneurial leadership and team building effectively.

Dr. Shrestha then shifted focus to team building, underscoring its critical role in enhancing productivity, motivation, collaboration, trust, and respect among team members. He stressed that a cohesive team working towards a common goal is indispensable for success. The session concluded with an active engagement from the participants, who asked questions and participated in discussions, demonstrating the practical relevance and applicability of the concepts presented by Dr. Shrestha.

Way Forward and Certification

After the event, the esteemed chief guest Mr Abhinayak Malla ( Board  Member of Bikalpa an Alternative ) delivered a heartfelt and encouraging speech, commending the program’s invaluable initiatives and extending wholehearted support. Following this, Mr. Basanta Adhikari extended warm congratulations to the fellows for their successful completion of the training phase, recognizing their hard work and dedication.

During the event, the participants were given a detailed understanding of the assignment tasks for the upcoming round of the training program. The resource person took the initiative to address any queries or uncertainties that the fellows may have had regarding the fellowship program, ensuring that everyone had a clear understanding of the program’s intricacies. Furthermore, the fellows were strongly encouraged to feel comfortable reaching out to the Bikalpa teams whenever necessary, to ensure a seamless and supportive experience throughout their journey. Concluding the program, the participants were presented with certificates, acknowledging their commitment and dedication to the program.


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