Biratnagar Sub-metropolitan City has made an agreement with Asian Development Bank of Nrs 3.27 billion to restructure and develop the city.  Where they are focusing to extend the road and built the drainage. The project have to be finished within 3 years of time period.  Sub-Metropolitan City recently started crushing down the house of common people to extend the main road up to 15 meters without any compensation. To complete this project almost all houses have to be crushed down in the main road. People filed the case for stay order, but the court denied the public appeal. People who have lost their private property have filed the case in the court for compensation, which is yet to be decided. Keeping in mind that Life, Liberty and Property are the natural rights of the citizens, which cannot be taken by anyone, not even the state.  Bikalpa an Alternative and Gari Khana Deu/ Livable Nepal Campaign jointly issue the press release and organize the Signature Campaign to defend the Private Property Rights of Biratnagar Citizens.  The campaign was organized at Traffic Chowk, Biratnagar on 24, December 2014 at 3:30pm. 15 volunteers carried out the campaign and nearly 400 people made a signature on the banner. Also the Public announcement/Miking was made during the campaign to sensitize the general public. The campaign message  was covered next day by Sristi Daily Newspaper with photo caption.  We believe that this effort will help to sensitize the common masses about their rights on their property and pressurize Biratnagar sub-Metropolitan City to check their action.

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