No matter how well-intentioned a strike may have been initiated, the consequences of strikes always bring hurdles in public’s individual and economic rights. They are not known to bring peace in the country, and almost

Women and girls dwelling in delicate surroundings across the globe are aspiring to do something for the betterment of themselves and their families. Lamentably, for many of them, these dreams never turn into reality. With

On 13th Feburary 2021, Bikalpa-an Alternative conducted a one-day workshop on “Entrepreneurship and the Beauty of Market” in association with Atlas Network, for the youths and college students in Biratnagar. The objective of the program

Liberty Discussion is a program designed to engage and inform the core members on the ideas of market economy and classical liberal ideas. Discussions are made on contemporary issues (local or national) through open market

On 30th January 2021,, Bikalpa-an Alternative conducted a one-day workshop on “Entrepreneurship and the Beauty of Market” in association with Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE International), for the youths and college students in Biratnagar.

Liberty Discussion is a program designed to engage and inform the core members on the ideas of market economy and classical liberal ideas. Discussions are made on contemporary issues (local or national) through open market

Stakeholders Meeting is a platform that aims to bring corresponding stakeholders together including policy makers, intellectuals, entrepreneurs and civil society members to gather information on certain policy issues. Bikalpa an Alternative organizes such stakeholders meetings

On 17th January 2021, Bikalpa an Alternative conducted the first Leader’s Circle meet at Hotel Ratna. The objective of organizing such meetings is to deliberate discussions between stakeholders on public policy issues and agendas of

On 16th January 2021, Bikalpa-an Alternative conducted a one-day workshop on “Entrepreneurship and the Beauty of Market” in association with Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE International), for the youths and college students in Biratnagar.

Hiking has become a cherished culture in the Bikalpa pantheon. Bikalpa has been organizing hiking trips to nearby locations on a regular basis to engage and bring Bikalpa fellows close to each other. And over
