Liberty Discussion on “Should Multinational Companies be Regulated”

Liberty Discussion is a program designed to engage and inform the core members on the ideas of market economy and classical liberal ideas. Discussions are made on the contemporary issues (local or national) through open market perspective. Article is selected and shared within the members to prepare oneself for the program. The program is organized at the venue of Bikalpa – an Alternative on every alternative Saturday (twice a month).

On, Saturday, 17th November, 2018, regular participants gathered on the Bikalpa office for the regular formal Liberty Discussion. The discussion was titled in Article “Should Multinational Companies be regulated.”

While having a discussion on Multinational Companies the participants shared diverse thoughts and we had healthy debating discussion. Irrespective of their political positions, the participant shared a lot of commonalities. Discussion revolved around approach of How Multinational Companies work. As we know the International is a company with many sales branches globally but with production facilities at their own country. In today’s Global era they are operated around the world. With that state has the responsibility to create and enforce national regulations to protect the human rights of its citizens against corporate abuses. These require business to respect human rights and hand states the responsibility of protecting them and providing access to effective remedy when they are violated.

Participants argues by saying that that all sounds very good, but we have to remember that states are not always willing or able to create and enforce such regulations. We need to understand the political and diplomatic merit between them. Some other participants also shared their thoughts that we need to understand Multinational companies should respect the Universal Human Rights declaration and governments should hold companies accountable and to denounce any behavior that goes against the principles. The discussion was engaging and fruitful. There were 14 participants.

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