Liberty Discussion on “Racial Discrimination and Civil Rights .”

Liberty Discussion is a program designed to engage and inform the core members on the ideas of market economy and classical liberal ideas. Discussions are made on contemporary issues (local or national) through open market perspective. The article is selected and shared within the members to prepare oneself for the program. The program is organized at the venue of Bikalpa – an Alternative on every alternative Saturday (twice a month).

Due to the amid of Coronavirus lockdown Bikalpa an Alternative conduct Liberty discussion online in collaboration with Network For Free Society on 13 June 2020 Saturday. The discussion was titled in Article “Racial Discrimination and Civil Rights ”.

We began a discussion session with understanding the social order of the institutionalized system which carries out discrimination in society. Participants shared diverse viewpoints regarding it. One of the participants recounts his experiences that he has faced not as an oppressed but as an oppressor while studying away from home. Some pointed out that Even when we are aware of this kind of thing and don’t like it. Even after numerous movements and laws to put a stop to it, it still exists in our society. Racial discrimination and cultural preservation exist due to the indoctrination of our family. If we uplift our family values then only it will help to change society. Furthermore, a participant shared there is also the social structure that discriminates us on the basis of caste and culture and it’s deep-rooted in our society. We should take a moment to consider and reflect these crucial facts where certain sections of the society will always have to suffer which are unmentioned and remain unacknowledged. But racism will gradually end when society becomes homogenous.

Also, participants agreed on it is our generation that is responsible to learn and play a crucial role in the abolition of such systems, and a vicious cycle of racism that we are stuck in. Overall, the participants also shared their valid views on the topic. The session resulted in a fruitful and impassioned discussion.

Full Program Record:

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