Liberty Discussion on ” Myth of Market “

Liberty Discussion is a program designed to engage and inform the core members on the ideas of market economy and classical liberal ideas. Discussions are made on contemporary issues (local or national) through open market perspective. The article is selected and shared within the members to prepare oneself for the program. The program is organized at the venue of Bikalpa – an Alternative on every alternative Saturday (twice a month).

Bikalpa an Alternative organized its Liberty Discussion Series in collaboration with Network for Free society on the topic ‘ Myth of Market’ on 19 September 2020. The discussion aims to provide insight into the sphere of socio-economic and political issues.

The discussion began by providing a brief overview of the Market as a valuable institution that facilitates trade. Therefore, the Market is essential for the development of industries and the economic growth of a country. During the discussion, while expressing their views, some of the participants strongly advocated for the Market-based economy for the country’s employment opportunities and development growth. Examples were highlighted How poor nations are becoming prosperous through freely functioning market mechanisms. Further discussion touched upon the government’s role in maintaining the rule of law and securing private property in the country to function the Market properly.

The discussion also stressed on Monopoly and oligopoly of the Market. When government protects businesses from competition or subsidizes costs and helps the rent-seekers, monopolies may sometimes emerge. It also affects the efficiency and innovation of an entrepreneur. Contrary to this general opinion, some other participant’s added in a free market, a person will voluntarily trade only if he/ she sees values and profit which they in exchange. If the trade takes place, it means both sides expect to gain.

On concluding remarks, participants quickly pointed out, although there are many myths and rumors regarding the Market. One does not have to be anti-market but should promote economic freedom granted by free and liberal markets, which helps bring greater prosperity to a country.

Overall, the participants also shared their valid views on the topic. The session resulted in a fruitful and impassioned discussion. The discussion ended with concluding remarks by Suman Rai.

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