Friday Discussion is a Program designed to engage and inform the core members on the ideas of free market economy and classical liberal ideas. Discussions are made on the contemporary issues (local and national) through free market perspectives. Article is selected and shared within the members to prepare oneself for the program. The program is organized at the venue of Hotel Namaskar, Biratnagar on every Alternative Friday (twice a month).
On this series, discussion was made on the Article of “Why Nations Fail”, where 13 numbers of part to discuss their views. The program is organized to engage core members and new comers who are interested on the issue and ideas of liberty, public policy and political economy.

In hourly discussion was the participants articulated their opinion about the topic. The participants discussed about the extractive economic institution and inclusive economic institution. Extractive policies harness the countries resources by the few people in power. Inclusive policies include all people and every people have reach to the system. Such policies are more beneficial for individual. The participants also discussed about the critical juncture that occurred in Nepal and how it affected Nepali policy planning. The example of Mugabe’s policies was discussed and how many such policies were being practiced in Nepal. The participants brought forth examples related to topic in discussion.

The program was held on 30 October from 4:45 pm onward. Discussion was very helpful to understand about the “Why Nations Fails” economic policies and its benefits for the developing countries like Nepal. Program was ended in 6:00 pm.

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