Friday Discussion on Liberty A Path to Its Recovery

Friday Discussion is a program designed to engage and inform the core members on the ideas of free market economy and classical liberal ideas. Discussions are made on the contemporary issues (local or national) through free market perspective. Article is selected and shared within the members to prepare oneself for the program. The program is organized at the venue of Hotel Namaskar, Biratnagar on every alternative Friday (twice a month).

On this series, discussion was made on the Article of “Liberty A Path to Its Recovery”, where 12 numbers of participants took part to discuss their views. It was hot and live discussion where participants discussed about the Democracy and liberty. Democracy is the best form of the government in modern world.” Democracy assures that the will of the people shall prevail and that is liberty, so long as democracy is preserved . We rest assured that liberty will be continued to full”. In discussion many participant disregarded the each other opinion. Democracy only prevails when there is good governance and political accountability.During discussion participant argued that in democracy the liberty is not always secured. Sometimes through democratic process the majority forces overruled the rights of minority. So it is very much important in democracy to preserve the liberty of individual. As we know it is generally accepted that a Government can enslave the citizen..

The discussion was also revolved around the Road expansion and violation of property rights in Biratnagar, where government didn’t himself obey the Rule of Law. This shows weak governance system which have prevented democracy from delivering for all the citizens. In this participant’s also showed reluctance regarding insecurity of private property right by government .Since democracy is not about election it’s also about participation.So being Active Citizen and voter it is also our responsibility to make our authority holder government accountable to their work.

The program was held on 2 September 2016, at 4:30 pm and Program was ended at 5:45 pm.

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