We all know ‘Tihar’ is renowned as the Festival of lights. On this occasion, each year with an aim to raise funds for Setting up a library for the Resource Center, Bikalpa organizes a ‘Deausi Bhailo’ program.

Young people are an increasingly large part of the global population. Bikalpa encourages them to participate in enhancing society participating them in different civic engagement issues. Since, from last 3 years this initiative is taken by Bikalpa and its members. This program is one of the most special, humbling and overwhelming where youth from different diverse background come together to collaborate and work together for the project. Playing Deausi Bhailo we have collected more than 2000 books and related materials on youth empowerment and development for public use in these 3 years of tenure time. It is indeed a great resource for students and avid readers.

Bikalpa library is also good resource center where you can read, write, access internet and most importantly give words to your ideas. This year also we have been fortunate to receive Support and help from our members. We were able to successfully collect over 30 books and raised Rs.13,000 funds. The program was made successful by the team collaboration of 20 enthusiast youth.

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