Liberty Discussion on “Government Intervention on Guthis Institution is Appropriate or Inappropriate.”

Liberty Discussion is a program designed to engage and inform the core members on the ideas of market economy and classical liberal ideas. Discussions are made on the contemporary issues (local or national) through open market perspective. The article is selected and shared within the members to prepare oneself for the program. The program is organized at the venue of Bikalpa – an Alternative on every alternative Saturday (twice a month).


On, Saturday, June 22, 2019, regular participants gathered on the Bikalpa office for the regular formal Liberty Discussion. The discussion was titled in Article “Government intervention on Guthis Institution is appropriate or inappropriate.”

It was a regular informal sitting discussion. As we know the government of Nepal has proposed to controversial Guthi Bill to legislation which was aimed at nationalizing properties of Guthis. Following this participant shared their personal opinion and understandings relating the topic. Some of the Participants asserted that it was a direct attack on the culture of the community. This was an inappropriate move made by the government and need to condemn it. The government doesn’t have the right to confiscate other property without their consent.  They should be accountable for this kind of work. Participants also had a different view that the intention of the government can be for a good purpose. We shouldn’t always criticize it. While other participants in the discussion raised a question that the Government should not act like an octopus. Instead, it should focus on making governance in the country.

Following further discussion, we too had talked on different issues which are undertaken by the current government. Participants also raised a voice that we should be a watchdog for every policy and move of the government.

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