Liberty Discussion is a program designed to engage and inform the core members on the ideas of market economy and classical liberal ideas. Discussions are made on contemporary issues (local or national) through open market perspective. The article is selected and shared within the members to prepare oneself for the program. The program is organized at the venue of Bikalpa – an Alternative on every alternative Saturday (twice a month).
On, Saturday, 22 February 2020, regular participants gathered on the Bikalpa office for the regular formal Liberty Discussion. The discussion was titled in Article “किन सरकारलाई सिमित तुल्याऊनुपर्छ”
During the discussion as expected, diverse opinions floated, and participants express views regarding the Article. Following the discussion, the participants talked about the role of government in citizen’s social life. Some of the participants argued that the Government has no right to infer fare in personal life. Although the Fundamental Rights and Duties of the Citizen prescribed in the Constitution of Nepal have guaranteed the individual rights of citizens participants debated that the government doesn’t work as prescribed. Further other issued were discussed on types of government and current political scenario of Nepal. Participants also put critical views regarding the governance system and proposed the idea that resource allocation should be first priority of the government. The government should manage public property. Contrary to that some others argued there should equal playing field of private and public. It was well-discussed talk from different dimensions about the provided topic during the discussion.