Friday Discussion on Why Does Economic Freedom Matters.

Friday Discussion is a program designed to engage and inform the core members on the ideas of free market economy and classical liberal ideas. Discussions are made on the contemporary issues (local or national) through free market perspective. Article is selected and shared within the members to prepare oneself for the program.  The program is organized at the venue of Hotel Namaskar, Biratnagar on every alternative Friday (twice a month).

On this series, discussion was made on the Article of “Why economic freedom matters”, where 7 numbers of participants took part to discuss their views. It was hot and live discussion where participants discussed on Economic freedom and its impact in Nepal.

 As we know Nepal is Fed rel Democratic Republic Country. We had witnessed political freedom but we are still far behind in our economic freedom. It is the conviction of many economists that economic freedom is essential to human progress. During the discussion a lot views were disperse in the floor. Instead of hamstring the private sector the government should encourage private sector. It should create the environment of competition and choice because they are the pre-requisite for the economic growth. Job creation is not a role of the state. For jobs to be sustainable, they have to be created by private sector.

Arguing on it some of had misconception that government should create the job and wealth. Businessman and private sector are un-ethical. They are greed and only profit oriented.

The program was helpful to arouse many questions and good discussion. It was held on 8 May 2015, at 4:30 pm and program was ended at 6:30pm.

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