Friday Discussion on Religion Ethics Morality

Friday Discussion is a program designed to engage and inform the core members on the ideas of free market economy and classical liberal ideas. Discussions are made on the contemporary issues (local or national) through free market perspective. Article is selected and shared within the members to prepare oneself for the program. The program is organized at the venue of Hotel Namaskar, Biratnagar on every alternative Friday (twice a month).

On this series, discussion was made on the Article of “Religion Ethics Morality”, where 13 numbers of participants took part to discuss their views. The program is organized to engage core members and new comers who are interested on the issue and ideas of liberty, public policy and political economy. It was hot and live discussion where participants discussed on Religion Ethics Morality people.

During an hourly discussion the participant were divided regarding their opinion. Some said Humans must be rational but our religion doesn’t make us to be rational. Religion is preconceived notion. We should come up with the emotion and be rational. Respect all the religion. Some argued on it by saying Morality is individual’s virtue. Ethics is the set of rules .Religion are means to conduct humans to guide a social animal in the society. What sorts of moral values we have that is our religion. The whole discussion got revolved around the writer essay.

The program was held on 11th September 2015 from 4:45 pm onward. Discussion was very helpful to understand about the sound economic policies and its benefits for the developing countries like Nepal. Program was ended in 6:15 pm

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